Events w.g.

Community Potluck and Pumpkin Carving, Saturday October 26

Oct 26 2024 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Join us for the last monthly TLC Farm Community Potluck of the year!


We’ll gather in the Outdoor Kitchen at 5 pm to carve pumpkins, then transition to potluck around 6 pm. Depending on the weather, we'll eat outside around the picnic tables or in the warm yurt. We may have a bonfire! Please bring food and/or drink to share if you are able and we’ll provide dishes and utensils.


TLC Farm hosts community potlucks on the last Saturday every month but we'll be taking November and December off.


We look forward to sharing food, community with you!

What happened at TLC Farm in 2023?

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TLC Farm hosted many happenings this year and looks forward to many more in 2024!  


A place to Gather

  • Monthly movie nights

  • Potlucks and song circles

  • Monthly anti-social socials

  • Hosting meetings and conversations: Oregon Humanities, Jewish Voice for Peace, an evening with legendary activist Ben Morea, Pacific NW Forest Climate Alliance

A place to Learn

  • Willow Creek Forest School – pre-school & summer camps

  • TLC Farm’s Hands-on outdoor education program hosted field trips from Catlin Gabel School, Sabin School, Audubon Summer Camps, Renaissance Arts School, Carpe Diem, University if Portland, Lewis & Clark College, Girl Scout troops and more!

  • Workshops on native food sovereignty and basket making

  • Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine classroom

A place to Celebrate

  • Annual Apple Fest – with over 200 people!

  • Tu B’shvat Seders with Havurah Shalom and Forest Defenders

  • Seven birthday parties – from one year old to 45

A place to Grow

Many work parties focused on removing invasive species and tending the ecosystem. Partners included Tryon Creek Watershed Council, Village Building Convergence, and Connecting Canopies, and the awesome goat herd!


And, if you prefer a month by month breakdown: 

February: Tu B'shvat Seder, Land tending workparty

March: Watershed-wide Restoration Day, Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine starts its eight-month program, baby goats born

May: Potluck & Song circle, Fry Bread & First Foods event; Educational tour and service projects with students from Carpe Diem, Catlin Gabel & Sabin schools.

June: T-Whale deconstruction work parties; Village Building Convergence restoration project, TLC Farm tour & volunteer orientation, educational tour and service projects with Renaissance Arts school students, conversation with Ben Morea

July: Willow Creek Forest School summer camps; Get Plastered: Natural building work party; Land tending work parties, Audubon farm & forest camp; Pride movie night.

August: 3 Land tending work parties; Farm tour & volunteer service project; Apple cider pressing; Hoot movie night.

September: Willow Creek Forest School pre-school starts; Movement movie night for social justice.

October: Apple Festival! Scout field trip and service project. No Ivy Day!

November: Community potluck; Invasive species identification, clearing, and basket weaving work party!

December: Another invasive species clearing & basket weaving work party!

Apple Fest, September 23, 2-5 pm

Sep 23 2017 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Join us to celebrate that best of fruits - the APPLE! 

For our fourth annual Apple Festival, we'll explore many wonderful ways to engage with apples - including:

  • apple tastings of our many heirloom apple varietals, including Spitzenberg, Liberty, Brown Russet, Gold Rush, Tompkin's King, Calville Blanc D'Hivre, and more!
  • apple cider pressing,
  • apple-themed cocktails,
  • an apple pie contest (bring your best pie!), and
  • sharing songs to sing to apple trees.

We'll also have a tour of TLC Farm, with a special emphasis on the orchard, and music and activities for all.
This is a fundraiser for TLC Farm's educational programs with a suggested donation of $10-20, but no one turned away for lack of funds (kids are free!). 
As always, there is no onsite parking!  Ride your bike or organize carpools and catch the shuttle at Riverdale High School (9727 SW Terwilliger Blvd.)

Mime, Music and Discovery Summer Camp July 19-22!

Music, Mime, and Discovery Post Advert 4.001.jpeg

Contact Carlos with questions: 925-263-6897
To register, please fill out this form.
*Save the date for Discovery Day, Saturday, July 23rd at 11am.  This will be a fun mini-festival day for campers' family and friends! We'll have a potluck lunch, bike-powered blended smoothies with fresh TLC Farm goat milk, and performances by the kids and teachers!

Apple Festival, Saturday October 10th, 2-6 pm

Oct 10 2015 - 2:00pm - 6:00pm
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Yes - it's even happening in the rain!!
Join us to celebrate that best of fruits - the APPLE!  For our second annual Apple Festival, we'll explore the many wonderful ways to engage with apples - including apple tastings of our many heirloom apple varietals, apple cider pressing, bobbing for apples, an apple pie bake-off and sharing songs to sing to apple trees.
We'll also have a tour of TLC Farm, with a special emphaisis on the orchard, and music and activities for all.
This is a fundraiser for TLC Farm's educational programs with a suggested donation of $10, but no one turned away for lack of funds. 
As always, there is no onsite parking! Park at Riverdale Highschool, 9727 SW Terwilliger Blvd. (which is 1/2 mile away)  and catch our shuttle - which will run every 15 minutes.  You're welcome to drop passengers off at TLC Farm and return to Riverdale to park and catch the shuttle.

Harvest Festival and Skillshare, October 2, noon-midnight

Oct 2 2010 - 12:00pm - 11:55pm
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Come celebrate the season by sharing skills, music, food and community for TLC Farm's annual Harvest Festival - so much is happening!  Check out the detailed schedule is below.

There will be snacks, treats, and cob oven pizza for purchase, and a silent auction to raise money for the non-profit education work we do, so bring some funds for that!

Transportation (note: no onsite parking, and shuttle stop has changed)
1. Hike or bike to 11640 SW Boones Ferry Road in Portland
2. Take the #12 bus or drive to Barbur Transit Center -- 9750 SW Barbur Blvd  -- and be picked up by TLC Farm's biodiesel shuttle running on the half hour and the hour

Cost: Sliding scale $10-20 per adult. Children under 12 are free. Worktrade available if arranged in advance - contact to volunteer.

Schedule of Workshops, Music and More!:

12noon: Traditional Dance Ceremony

12:30: Wool Felting with Samantha Backer of Tinctoria, Making Natural Paint with Joshua Klyber of Living Walls; Omiza River plays at the main stage

1pm: Opening Circle

2pm: Sewing Circle, Food Preservation workshop with Connie Van Dyke, Herbal Medicine with Judy BlueHorse Seklton; Hope Medford drumming workshop at Main Stage

3pm:  Water Ceremony with Robert Van Pelt, Tracking with Tony Deis from Trackers NW, Music Jam; Hope Medford and Tre Arrow play at main stage

4pm: Non-visual Plant Identification with Becky Lerner, Winterizing your Beehive with Jackie Friedman;O Horizon plays at main stage

7pm: Meddle plays at the Main Stage

8pm:The Dapper Cadavers play at the Main Stage

9pm:Lynnae Griffin performance at Main Stage

10pm - Midnight:TLC Farm All Stars Music Jam

Any questions?  Give us a call (503)245-3847 or email!

Events and Calendar

Animal Husbandry Workshop, VBC May 2008

2024 Upcoming Events at TLC Farm

Scroll down for the calendar. Click here to book your event.


TLC Farm Skillshare
Sunday, April 21 
10 am-4 pm

Monthly Community Potlucks


Every last Saturday of the month

Next one is on Saturday, April 27 at 6-9 pm


Land Tending Work Party

Every last Saturday of the month

Next one is on Saturday, April 27 from 10 am-12 pm

Land Tending Team meeting to follow from 12-1 pm


Stay tuned for future Work Parties!


Workshops and Events team

Workshops and Events

This working group works to support people in sharing life, learning, and liberation together as part of the land. We do this through 

  • Workshops that we learn are need, design, find teachers for, and promote.
  • Events that others are excited to throw, and want to use a "venue" that weaves deeply with the land and the others here, human and more-than-human.

If you'd like to use the space for an event, please email

If you'd like to join the team that organizes, or you have an idea for an awesome workshop, email

Thanks so much!

Event Rentals

Yurt event

TLC Farm is a place to connect. As a forum for community sustainability, opportunities are endless!

A meeting, retreat, celebration, private class, spiritual event or other gathering at TLC Farm is something special. Here, the life of nature is woven into human experience: this place merges indoor and outdoor, living and artificial, wild and domestic. This program supports our work in bringing various communities and organizations into deeper relation with this beautiful place of the earth, and through it, each other

You are welcome to hold your own event at TLC Farm; by bringing your own group here you contribute to the fabric of the farm—sustainability to us is linking the many networks and threads of our social, ecological, political, economic and cultural ecology. Each group brings its own story, sometimes transforming a piece of TLC Farm, sometimes leaving information, sometimes getting others involved.

We are particularly interested in hosting multiple groups at the same time that can informally interact with each other, or gatherings that are focused on bringing different constituencies into closer and more meaningful interconnection. Let us know your ideas and needs

Contact the Events Working Group at to book your reservation.

Click here for testimonials from folks who have hosted events.


We are committed to welcoming groups to this land.  This is especially true of those aligned with our mission to support ecological & social justice movements, and structurally marginalized communities.

Village Green:
On the north end of the land is our lovely Village Green. This sloped, grassy area is surrounded by the sauna, fire circle, composting toilets, Yurt, T-Whale, Outdoor Kitchen and stage. It's a great spot for picnics and game
Yurt: A 30' diameter year-round insulated event space, with electricity and radiant heat, a mandala-floor, and earthy energy
Cob Cave: A beautiful, handmade earthen cave room, this lovely space fits 15-25 people in a cozy space without lots of light, great for healing practices or meditation gatherings. It naturally stays wonderfully cool in the summer and warm in the winter
Outdoor Kitchen: Facilities include a wood-fired, super-efficient "rocket stove"; a four-burner propane stove; running hot water and sink; various counters; and electricity. There is also a heated earthen bench and picnic tables. We have a stack of washable plates and cups available. Wood must be provided by event host, or otherwise arranged.
T-Whale: This whimsical teahouse was originally built for the Earth Day Celebration at Sunnyside Elementary School, and was soon thereafter adopted by TLC Farm. Made into the shape of a whale, the body provides an organic space for 10 people to sit and the tail is a fun spiral tower, great for kids! Between the body and tail is a small tea serving area.
Stage: Our 144 sq. ft. carpeted and covered stage is the perfect place for bands, theater, or just a nice flat spot to sit!
Perch: The back porch of the yurt is a multi-level wooden deck shaped in a spiral with a heart at the center. It overlooks the garden and is a lovely private-feeling spot.

Maple Grove: Eight big leaf maple trees in a circle form this sacred space, and a wonderful spot for intentional conversations, meetings or ceremony. Bring special items for the two alter areas.

Lower garden areas/edge of forest: The eastern edge of the land is the wild boundary between farm and forest, and contains many niches for gathering.

Forest: TLC Farm is surrounded by Tryon Creek State Park, with 700-acres of secondary forest and miles of trails. TLC Farm's trails connected directly into the Park.

The residences and other structures on the land are not available for use (they are part of Cedar Moon, the intentional community at TLC Farm). Composting toilets are available in the Village Green


Services are offered by our talented community members based on availability, and therefore may not be available at all times. We pay our service providers a living wage stipend of $15/hour, and ask that you cover this cost.

Catered Food: We have a variety of on-call cooks who can create fabulous menus for your group. We specialize in vegetarian, vegan, raw, or local/in season meals. And/or, we can arrange to have your event catered by local restaurants in our community.

Childcare: We have a group of on-call childcare hosts and lots of fun places for children of all ages to play! We even have a pack of small children (under ten years old) living at the Farm who are often welcoming hosts for other kids.

Meeting facilitation: Our facilitators specialize in consensus-based processes and can facilitate groups of all sizes.

Publicity: If appropriate, you are welcome to post your event on our Facebook page or emai. (free)

Farm Tour: Guided tours are a great way to learn about TLC Farm's sustainability demonstrations, inspiring history, and ongoing community success stories. Tours can be from a half hour to two hours in length; recommended time is one hour. (free).

Workparty facilitation: If your group wants to get down and dirty, we can facilitate workparties in the garden, native habitat restoration or a building project.

Educational Programs: TLC Farm offers a variety of educational opportunities -- please see our website for details.


Farm Host and CoCreated Agreement


Your link to TLC Farm is the Farm Host, and is coordinated through the Forum Working Group. You and the Farm Host will work out all necessary details for your gathering. If your event is ongoing, than your host might only need to be there just the first few times, or until you “learn the ropes”. Alternatively, we can train you to be your own Farm Host.

The CoCreated Agreement is a written document that outlines the details of the event, our agreed upon exchange, and TLC Farm’s guidelines. We will ask you to sign this (we will too)

Parking and Transportation

Parking provides us with our biggest opportunity for creative fossil fuel independence. We encourage people to get to TLC Farm via bikes, public transit, hikes through the park or carpooling. As an incentive, we will reduce the per hour rate of using the farm by $5/hour if you use zero or one parking spot! Directions for bus, biking, hiking and driving are on our website.

Bike: Definitely the most fun way to get to TLC Farm, biking takes about 45-55 minutes from downtown and only 30-40 minutes back!

Hike: During the day, you can park at Tryon Creek State Park Visitor’s Center on Terwilliger Blvd. and hike 15-minutes across to TLC Farm. Beautiful!

Bus: The #38 bus has a stop at our doorstep, but only runs M-F during rush hours. The #12 bus runs up Barbur Blvd, within two miles of TLC Farm. And the #39 runs from the #12 to Lewis and Clark College, a 25-minute hike through the woods from the farm.

Cars: We have four parking spots for visitors, and if your gathering will require more parking areas then we suggest carpooling or shuttling. Want to know our secrets for these successful car dances? Read on:

Carpools: Arrange to have your group meet at someone’s house or the Barbur Transit Center (two miles away) or New Seasons (3/4 mile away) and then share cars. It’s fun to carpool!

No parking in our neighborhood or in the State Park parking lot. We are very respectful of our impact in the surrounding area and ask that you be as well. As an event host, we will expect you to ensure that your event participants respect this request.


Animals: Friendly dogs are allowed but must be kept on leash at all times (we often have children, chickens or goats browsing the land).

Cleanup: All cleanup from should be done immediately following the event. The Outdoor Kitchen sink may be used to wash dishes. Recycling and compost containers will be provided by TLC Farm; please plan to carry out your trash.

Noise: Part of TLC Farm’s work is to be a good neighbor, and as such, we do not allow extended drumming or amplified music without prior consent of our closest neighbors. Quiet hours begin at 10pm

Smoking: There are two places to smoke cigarettes at TLC Farm: at the top of the driveway and at the bottom of the driveway, in the parking lots.

Alcohol: If kept to a central area, alcohol can be consumed in a respectful manner (and of course, for over 21 only). Alcohol cannot be sold without an OLCC permit.


CEDAR 2011: Direct action for the earth

CEDAR 2011 (Cascadians Exploring Dreams, Action & Regeneration) will be convening on June 10th-12th at TLC Farm in Portland.  Our intention is to offer support for those doing work in protecting land and people from exploitation, whatever form it may take.  The weekend will include trainings on self-care and forest defense, support in crafting wise change-making strategies, and a chance to engage with your activist family just by having fun (there'll be ultimate frisbee, a game of Capture the Flag, and a no-talent show bonfire).

So, whether you're a grizzled campaign veteran in need of a recharge, or someone who's never organized an action before, take some time to come out to meet with your extended activist family.
June 10th evening programming: Don't miss our screening of "Shut Down: The Rise and Fall of Direct Action to Stop the War" -- an insiders' account of what went beautifully right and sadly wrong in the lead-up and aftermath of peace activists' successful effort to shut down San Francisco the day after the war in Iraq began.  Discussion chaired by one of the film-makers will follow the screening.
Here's a link to the trailer:
LOGISTICS: We are asking for people to make a contribution of between $15-$50 to participate in this weekend.  No One Turned Away For Lack of Funds.  If you are available to work-trade the day before or the last day (set-up and clean-up), please contact  Please bring your own lunch and a poluck item for dinner on Saturday.  We will run shuttles to People's Co-op (3029 SE 21st Ave) and Barbur Transit Center (9750 SW Barbur Blvd) per the schedule below. 
Cars!  On-site parking is available for cars that bring 3 or more people with them, subject to space availability.  Contact us in advance if you're planning on being such a car.  Go here to offer or request rides:
Camping on-site is available on Saturday night for $10/space, contact before Friday, June 10th to reserve a camping space, please.
Friday, June 10, 8 - 11pm - Screening of "Shut Down" followed by discussion chaired by one of the film-makers.
Rides: Our biodiesel shuttle will pick-up people from People's Co-op (3029 SE 21st Ave) at 6:30pm with a pick-up at Barbur Transit Center following, and deliver them back post-discussion

Saturday, June 11, 10am - Late night - Workshops, skillshares, and conviviality!
9:15 - Shuttle pickup at People's Co-op (3029 SE 21st Ave) with a pick-up at Barbur Transit Center
10am -11am - Opening circle, Consent game
11am - 12noon - Tree Climbing Training / Land Tour / Open Space introduction for afternoon/ potential pickup game of ultimate if desired
12noon - 1pm - Lunch! (Bring your own)
1-5pm - Workshop lineup with open space offerings running in parallel, this means you have a chance to offer your unique workshop to your activist community!
1-2pm - Strategy forum: Support for individual campaigns and general discussion of change-making principles
2-3pm - Physical self-care, offered by the Rosehips Collective ("Herbal Remedies for Common Maladies")
3-4pm - Emotional self-care - personal and interpersonal
4-5pm - Know Your Rights training
5-6:30pm - Capture the Flag
6:30pm - Potluck Dinner!  We'll provide the rice and beans, bring something to share...
7:00pm - Shuttle returns to People's and Barbur Transit Center
8-11:59pm - No-talent show and bonfire

11pm - Shuttle returns to People's and Barbur Transit Center
All those who wish to spend the night please contact before Friday, June 10th to reserve a camping spot!
Rides:  Our biodiesel shuttle will pick-up people from People's Co-op at 9:15am, and make a return run after dinner and late-night.  We will also make shuttle runs to and from Barbur Transit center between 10am and 11am, with dinner and late-night returns
Cars: If you drive and bring three or more people with you, you can park on-site.  Contact to coordinate
Sunday, June 12
9am - BREAKFAST POTLUCK.  We'll provide the oatmeal. :-)
10am - Closing Circle, followed by either, both or none of the following, depending on interest: a field trip to play basketball, a spokescouncil
11:30am - Final shuttles leave for People's Co-op and Barbur Transit Center

CEDAR 2011...because there's nothing sustainable about being pushed around by big corporations.

Feedback and participation welcome! Please send bug reports to

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