
TLC Farm as a community resource

 yum!Guthrie: yum!A few days ago, as we were working on building benches for a new meditation area, a nice woman walked down the driveway with a bucket of grapes. “I thought you might be able to use these,” she offered as she explained that we would need to go find more containers to receive her load of grapes.

Bountiful Harvest

Two hundred pounds of tomatoes soon to be canned

Ah, the fall, when we get to enjoy harvests of all types. Here at TLC Farm, we like to process, enjoy and save food as much as possible. Here are a few snapshots from recent weeks:


Apple cider making, from hundreds of pounds of apples that a few Farmies picked at a local organic orchard. Yummy!


Tomatoes! We picked and then canned about 220 pounds of heirloom, organic tomatoes at our friend's farm! (We ate all of our own ripe tomatoes, and are making fried green tomatoes from the unripe ones.)

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