It was a busy year at TLC Farm - we hosted many happenings this year and look forward to many more in 2025!
A place to Gather
Monthly movie nights
Potlucks and song circles
Old time music jams
Hosting meetings and conversations: Oregon Humanities, Jewish Voice for Peace, Red Machete, Pacific NW Forest Climate Alliance
A place to Learn
Willow Creek Forest School – pre-school & summer camps
TLC Farm’s Hands-on outdoor education program hosted field trips from Cottonwood School, Rvierdale School, Carpe Mundi, University of Portland, Lewis & Clark College, Girl Scout troops and more!
Skillshares and workshops
Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine classroom
Becoming People of Place book club
A place to Celebrate
Annual Apple Fest – with over 200 people!
Tu B’shvat Seder with Havurah Shalom
Ten birthday parties – from three years old to 37
A place to Grow
Many work parties focused on removing invasive species and tending the ecosystem. Joining our awesome land tending volunteers were our partners at the Tryon Creek Watershed Council, and the awesome goat herd!
We're in the midst of a campaign to grow our Friends of the Farm - the committed, generous, creative people who sustain TLC Farm through monthly donations - with a goal of rasing $100 more per month. This could look like 10 people giving $10 per month, or 4 people giving $25, or all the other possible combinations!
TLC Farm is committed to keeping our land and programs econimically accessible, which means our programs are offered on a sliding scale and we work to make use of the land available to all groups, regardless of ability to pay. Our generous donors help make this approach possible. Become a Friend of the Farm today!
It makes a difference to become a Friend of the Farm!
Stability: Our program income and other fundraising is cyclical, ebbing and flowing throughout the year; regular contributions from Friends provide a reliable source of income each month to meet our financial obligations.
Joy: It feels great to give, and it feels great to receive – generosity makes everyone involved happier.
Leverage: Honestly, it looks good to foundations and major donors to have a solid base of regular financial supporters. Providing stability helps us obtain larger donations.
Demonstration of the Grassroots: As witnessed with the “Save the Farm” campaign, thousands of people each giving what they can really does add up to significant numbers. TLC Farm is an inspiring demonstration of the spirit of community, part of which is regular giving.
Help us meet our goal: become a Friend of the Farm and THANKS!
It's now a TLC Farm holiday tradition - showing the best adaptation of Charles Dicken's classic Christmas ghost story in the heated yurt. This is truly a movie to warm the heart and tickle the funny bone.
We'll provide snacks and hot spiced cider. Donations welcome, but not needed. Hope to see you here!
Feedback and participation welcome! Please send bug reports to