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Natural Building EARTH PLASTER workparties October 2017

Mini Moon

Background: the Mini Moon is a 200 sq. ft. light-straw clay and cob building. It was started May 2016 and at this point the straw-clay walls are done but the round “cozy cob corner” is not yet built. In May-June 2017 we put the first coat of earthen plaster on the inside and outside straw-clay walls, and we installed the first layer of the earthen floor. In August/September we buit the cob wall. Now we will be working on the earthen plaster inside and outside the house, and some carpentry.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Jenny: jenny@tryonfarm.org; 503-548-8459, or look at TLC Farm’s Facebook page for event info.

All ages, abilities and skill level welcomed.

Saturday and Sunday, October 21 and 22, noon to 5pm: earthen plastering!!
More info here:

Saturday and Sunday, October 28 and 29: Earthen plastering
More info coming soon!

We will also work some weekday evenings; get in touch with Jenny to find out which!

The earth plaster we use is made of fresh horse manure! It's a fascinating and fun process to work with this materail. We have gloves for you to use, and I promise it is not as gross as you think!! It's actually quite fun (says the people who have been doing this with me over the summer!).

I'll have some snacks; please bring your own lunch and/or snacks to share.


Offering or Requesting?: 
Departure time: 
Sat, 03/18/2017 - 9:20am
Meetup location: 
SE Portland; Hawthorne/Belmont District (flexible)
Contact details and notes: 
Headed to the Skillshare :) 816-225-0406 meverett16@gmail.com


Offering or Requesting?: 
Departure time: 
Sat, 03/18/2017 - 9:20am
Meetup location: 
NE: Alberta-ish
Contact details and notes: 
would love to catch a ride to the skillshare, call/text: 831 566 2978. thanks!

Spring Seed Celebration

Mar 11 2017 - 12:30pm - 4:30pm
The event is a fundraiser for our new Ethnobotanic al Education Program designed to support youth in exploring and understanding the beauty and necessi ty of our relationship to plants as humans.   ;There will be a silent auction to benefit the edu cational program. Suggested donation is $10-2 0/person or family (no one turned away for lack offunds). Like our other big events,there is no onsite parking. There will be a continuous  ;shuttle running between TLC Farm and the R iverdale High school parking lot at 9727 SW Terwil liger Blvd, Portland 97219. For more&n bsp;information please visit th e Facebook event page   ;

Mason Bees and Fruiting Trees

Mar 4 2017 - 11:00am - 4:00pm
11-1: bees.  Mason bees are soli tary bees, meaning they don't form col onies and aren't susceptible to the hive coll apses that threaten the global food supply. They are more active in cool, moist mornings tha n honeybees, and their remarkable lifecycle meansthey gather a year's supply of food -and&nbs p;do all their pollinating -in the spring w hen fruit trees are flowering.  Learn how totend them and increase your flock and buy some fa rmgrown bees at a discount (if you wish). 2-4 : trees.  Fruit trees - especial ly apples and pears, and to a lesser extent, plu ms - thrive with yearly pruning to encourage fruitproduction and minimize bough breakage and disease.  Late winter is the perfect time toprune for structure and fruiting; we' ll discuss and demonstrate examples of how to trai n and prune young trees, repair years of neglect in mature trees, and how to maintain a balance offruiting wood and young growth.  Bring yourown sharp loppers or secateurs if you want to pra ctice!  



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Supporting a more just future for the peoples of this land

Not so very long ago, the land we now call Tryon Life Community Farm was the hunting grounds of  the Tualatin Kalapuya and the Clackamas Chinook.

For thousands of years they thrived, until 200 years ago devastating diseases swept through their villages severely reducing the population. Before they had a chance to recover, waves of Euro-American colonization hit the land we now call Oregon. Years of struggle to retain tribal autonomy followed, as did many promises made and broken by the United States government. Mounting pressure for more land by white settlers led the federal government to extinguish all native claim to land in the Willamette and Tualatin valleys and forcibly remove the tribes to the Grande Ronde and other reservations in 1855.

The government then set about giving the land away to Euro-American settlers, including Hotchkiss Socrates Tryon who claimed the valley which is now his namesake park. His name is well known, even included in the name of our land project, while those from whom the land was stolen have been forgotten by many.

Why do you need to know this?  Learning and sharing the history of this land, and that of all western Oregon, is key to understanding why those who visit, volunteer, come to classes, and enjoy events here, have been predominately white. And why this needs to change.

Over the past few years, TLC Farm has been actively reshaping itself to counter this legacy of colonialism.  To do so, a new collective created by and for people of color has taken root on this land.  The Sacred Lands Alliance is working with TLC Farm volunteers to make the land and programs more accessible for frontline communities who have been alienated from thier lands. 

We can't undo the past, but we can absolutely shape the future.

Thanks for your part in making the future more just and equitable, here at TLC Farm and in all the places we collectively strive for justice.

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apple fest 2014.jpg

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Apple Fest, Saturday October 8th, 2-5 pm

Oct 8 2016 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Join us to celebrate that best of fruits - the APP LE! For our third annual Apple Festival, we 'll explore the many wonderful ways to engagewith apples - including: apple tastings of our many heirloom apple varietals, apple c ider pressing, apple-themed cocktails, a n apple pie contest (bring your best pie!), and n sharing songs to sing to apple trees. W e'll also have a tour of TLC Farm, with a sp ecial emphasis on the orchard, and music and acti vities for all.   This is a fundraiser f or TLC Farm's educational programs with a sug gested donation of $5-20, but no one turned away for lack of funds.    As always, there is no onsite parking!  Ride your bike or organize carpools and catch the shuttle at Rive rdale High School (9727 SW Terwilliger Blvd.)

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winning apple pie.jpg

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Feedback and participation welcome! Please send bug reports to web@tryonfarm.org