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Planting Your Autumnal Medicinal Garden

Sep 8 2015 - 6:30pm
Ever wonder just what you can do to help the medic inals in your garden thrive?  In this autumnclass we will get our hands dirty doing plant div isions and harvesting roots while diving into the details of what specific plants need to thrive andmultiply for the coming year.   Laura A ltvater has been growing medicinal herbs in Portla nd since 1999. Her study of plants began with her bachelors in Botany from Connecticut College. She came to Portland in 1997 to farm flowers and veget ables with Sauvie Island Organics. In 1998 she beg an working at Portland Nursery to develop her hort icultural skills. Since then she has been growing and studying medicinal herbs in her own gardens, at the Herb Pharm in Williams, OR and with many h erbalists and healers through out the US. After no ticing a lack of medicinal herb starts in the nurs eries she began Mostly Medicinals in 2005-2014. Mo stly Medicinals is currently not in operation. n $25 $20 if you register by August 30th! $15 if you become a monthly donor to TLC Tryon Life Co mmunity Farm​ Please pre-register by Aug ust 25th so we know you want to come and we don 9;t have to cancel! Scholarships are availab le for those who are restricted by cost. Please ge t in touch and we'll make some arrangements!

Community Theater: An Evening of Community Buildin g and Theater of the Oppressed

Sep 17 2015 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm
In this fun and participatory workshop, we will t ackle complex questions of social justice and huma n rights using theater. Fueled by our own lived ex periences, we will use Theater of the Oppressed t echniques to create scenes that challenge us and c all us to action. In this way we will empower and support each other to work toward the re-imagined world we want to live in. No theater experience ne cessary. Isobel Charle is an activist, artis t and aspiring clown. She has been working with th e body of Theater of the Oppressed material for ab out 5 years, and other kinds of social justice wo rk for about 10. She is consistently inspired withthe power of Theater of the Oppressed to teach, heal and spur social change. As a facilitator, sh e strives to provide an environment for participan ts to work, play and stretch beyond their comfortzones in a way that feels safe and ac cessible. 

Apple Festival, Saturday October 10th, 2-6 pm

Oct 10 2015 - 2:00pm - 6:00pm
pie contest.jpg

Yes - it's even happening in the rain!!
Join us to celebrate that best of fruits - the APPLE!  For our second annual Apple Festival, we'll explore the many wonderful ways to engage with apples - including apple tastings of our many heirloom apple varietals, apple cider pressing, bobbing for apples, an apple pie bake-off and sharing songs to sing to apple trees.
We'll also have a tour of TLC Farm, with a special emphaisis on the orchard, and music and activities for all.
This is a fundraiser for TLC Farm's educational programs with a suggested donation of $10, but no one turned away for lack of funds. 
As always, there is no onsite parking! Park at Riverdale Highschool, 9727 SW Terwilliger Blvd. (which is 1/2 mile away)  and catch our shuttle - which will run every 15 minutes.  You're welcome to drop passengers off at TLC Farm and return to Riverdale to park and catch the shuttle.

Embodied Intimacy in Community

Aug 29 2015 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Many of us have an unspoken language with our mostsignificant others, our lovers, partners, chi ldren but how often do we really get to mine the d epth of non-verbal, body-based communication withour neighbors, our friends, our co-workers? Howoften do we really get to let loose and play? Thi s workshop is about creating strongly embodied rel ationships in community. Through experiential move ment, improvisation, dance, music, body work,conscious communication, play, and contemplativ e practice, we take a group dive below the thinki ng mind to experience ourselves as members of an e mbodied organism. This is a process of discoveringdirectly that we are actually connected and commu nicating all the time energetically and physically . Skillfully accessing this body intelligence deep ens our relationships and ability to live togetherwith authenticity and joy. It helps us be better listeners, better neighbors, and better friends by encouraging deeper bonding and trust. &nbs p; Elena Zubulake and Victor Warring are som atic (body based) intimacy, sexuality, and relat ionship educators. They enjoy bringing together mo vement, expression, primate play and empowerment . The vision that guides the way they teach is bas ed in shifting learned models of relating in an is olation-driven/nuclear-family centered culture to a village oriented/affection sharing/community nex us driven culture. Their work begins with the bodyand is eros-inclusive, since the body is the fir st platform from which we learn to relate to other , and the body is inherently erotic and creative.This work addresses intimate, community, and ec ological relationships, as well as our most basicrelationship with self. Their combined backgrounddraws from Somatic Psychology, Body-Based Sexual ity Education, Contact Improvisation, Bodywork,Permaculture, Indigenous Ritual, Anthropology,Theatre, and Contemplative Practice. They both g raduated from Naropa University in Boulder Colorad o, and they currently live and work in intentiona l community in Little Applegate, Oregon. They tea ch and offer one on one work together and separate ly.  

Stargazing at TLC Farm, Intro to Folk Astrology a nd Embodied Solar System Mechanics

Aug 25 2015 - 7:30pm - 10:30pm
In this workshop we will discuss history and arche types of folk astrology, seeking to connect with magical lineages rooted in Western Europe and Appa lachia. We will feel into earth's place in th e solar system through modeling and observation.     Kate Flanagan / Prof essor Y!kes studied feminist theory and social mov ements at the University of California at Santa Cr uz and grounded the academics through whole-hearte d participation in activism. For seven years She h as studied astrology and its  history, weav ing these with the history of capitalism, science , and the suppression of magic. Since 2010 she&rs quo;s been living in Cedar Moon -- the intentiona l community at TLC Farm -- and working as a math t utor.  She enjoys engaging ritual, song, a nd theater as magical-revolutionary tools. &n bsp;  

August Applied Permaculture : An Introduction IntoPermaculture Design and Applications

Aug 15 2015 - 10:00am
So whats Permaculture anyway? This one day class w ill provide curious minds with an introduction to permaculture principles, design philosophy and a variety of skills and techniques that can be appli ed in the farm and garden setting. Participants will have the opportunity to get hands on experien ce with soil building, water catchment, plant cu ltivation and more at one of the most established permaculture farms in the Portland area. Vega n, gluten-free lunch will be provided.   ; A shuttle from will leave from People' ;s Coop SE at 9:15 am returning by 5pm. Some on Si te parking available.    Thecost of this workshop is $60 Discounted Fee for Tryon Friends of the Farm Monthly Donors: $45 n   Early Bird Special! Register by August 1st and enjoy a $10 discount!   n Some scholarships are available for those pro hibited by cost! Please contact workshops@tryonfar m.org to make arrangements.  

Nourishing the Central Fire: the Traditional and M odern Holistic Herbal essentials of supporting andtreating digestion, absorption, elimination andmicrobial health

Sep 12 2015 - 10:00am - 4:30pm
From Indian Yogis, to the Taoists living on mist covered mountains, the ancients all knew and spok e of the central importance of a harmoniously func tioning digestive tract in physical, emotional an d spiritual health. It's only now, as we wit ness an ever increasing epidemic of digestive and chronic disease that we are beginning to understan d their message.  In modern times we all kno w people close to us, or we ourselves, who are d ealing with chronic digestive conditions. And the rates of illness are steadily are escalating rapid ly.   This class will address thes e rapidly increasing conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, inflammatory GI issues, a nd even mood and skin issues by using the wisdom o f the ancients as well as cutting edge modern holi stic herbal health advancements.   In this class, we'll review each partof the system from gums to bum and even include aquick overview of holistic treatment of complex c onditions like IBS, Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis,and GI pathogens. We'll also have an herb wa lk on the property to highlight some of the amazin gly effective remedies for chronic GI issues that exist in our backyards.    W orkshop teacher bio:  Christopher is the own er and director of the School of Traditional Weste rn Herbalism, a 3 year Clinical Herbalist  Program in Portland, portlandherbalschool.com andthe Herbal Apothecary.  He is a busy clinic al herbalist, researcher and educator, whose foc us has been  working with complex chronic co nditions of the gastro intestinal tract, and immu ne system with herbalism, nutrition, mental emot ional techniques and lifestyle.   $60 for the class, partial scholaships availab le.  

First Aid: Medic Skills & Herbal Remedies for Ever yday Emergencies

Jul 24 2015 - 11:00am
Drawing on Missy's background as a street med ic and clinical herbalist, this workshop will pro vide concrete skills for handling medical emergenc ies and basic information about select healing pla nts.  We'll be weaving lecture time, p ractice scenarios, and plant walks into the day.  Frequent hikers, community herbalists, an d anyone who wants to be helpful in emergency medi cal situations will find this class useful. No pre vious experience necessary. Be sure to bring: -A notebook and pen for taking notes -D ay pack or purse with sunscreen and water bottle -Lunch or a snack -Clothes for playing ou tdoors Missy Rohs is a community herbalist , kitchen witch, and forest lover.  She co -founder and instructor at the Arctos School of He rbal & Botanical Studies (http://arctosschool .org).  Her path to herbal teaching has take n her from grassroots organizing through the worldof being a street medic to providing care in freeclinics from Nicaragua to Portland.    ;A life-long lover of weeds as well as community e mpowerment, Missy reaches for remedies close to h ome that nourish the body, the ecology, and the community.   Cost of Workshop: $60 Discounted Rate for Friends of the Farm Mont hly Donors: $45 Early Bird Special! $10 off i f you register by July 4th! Some Scholarshipsare available! If this price is prohibitive to yo u, please e-mail workshops@tryonfarm.org to make arrangements.

Stargazing at TLC Farm, Intro to Folk Astrology a nd Embodied Solar System Mechanics

Jul 21 2015 - 7:30pm
In this workshop we will discuss history and arche types of folk astrology, seeking to connect with magical lineages rooted in Western Europe and Appa lachia. We will feel into earth's place in th e solar system through modeling and observation. Bring a sweater and be prepared to stargaze. Hot tea and pillows will be provided in abunda nce.   Kate Flanagan / Professor Y!kes studied feminist theory and social movementsat the University of California at Santa Cruz andgrounded the academics through whole-hearted part icipation in activism. For seven years She has stu died astrology and its  history, weaving th ese with the history of capitalism, science, andthe suppression of magic. Since 2010 she’sbeen living in Cedar Moon -- the intentional comm unity at TLC Farm -- and working as a math tutor.  She enjoys engaging ritual, song, and the ater as magical-revolutionary tools. Check he r out at http://dianasmoon.com/   Cost $20   Discounted cost for Fr iends of the Farm Monthly Donors: $15 Early Bird Special! $5 off if you register by July 7th. n If cost is prohibitive to you, please e-mailworkshops@tryonfarm to inquire about a scholarshi p.


Offering or Requesting?: 
Departure time: 
Tue, 07/21/2015 - 7:00pm
Meetup location: 
Peoples Food Co-op (SE 21st & Tibbetts)
Contact details and notes: 

Feedback and participation welcome! Please send bug reports to web@tryonfarm.org