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Farm Tour 08 - ODK interior

Outdoor Kitchen, great for hosting big events!

Farm Tour 08 - ODK interior

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Farm Tour 07 - Farm Table

Farm Tour 07 - Farm Table

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Farm Tour 06 - Stage

The stage, facing the Village Green

Farm Tour 06 - Stage

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Farm Tour 05 - ODK

Fire-pit, and outdoor kitchen.

Farm Tour 05 - ODK

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Farm Tour 04 - Tea Whale

Information kiosk (left) and 'Tea-Whale'. Great places for visitors to the land to get oriented, and sit and chat.

Farm Tour 04 - Tea Whale

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Farm Tour 03 - Sauna Closeup

The cob sauna. First natural-building project to be completed on the land. Full moon saunas are held for the community once a month.

Farm Tour 03 - Sauna Closeup

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Farm Tour 02 - Sauna

Farm Tour 02 - Sauna

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Farm Tour 01 - Zora

Our intrepid tour guide :)

Farm Tour 01 - Zora

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Saturday Work Party - May 2012

Saturday Work Party - May 2012

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Bloom 2012 - Crowd Shot

Bloom 2012 - Crowd Shot

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