Garden w.g.

Poppy Papaver rhoeas

Poppy Papaver rhoeas

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Rue Ruta graveolens

Rue Ruta graveolens

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Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

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Red currant Ribes rubrum

Red currant Ribes rubrum

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Sage White Salvia apiana

Sage White Salvia apiana

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Sage Garden-Salvia-officinalis and Purple-Salvia-purpurascens

Sage Garden-Salvia-officinalis and Purple-Salvia-purpurascens

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Scouring rush Equisetum hyemale

Scouring rush Equisetum hyemale

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Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora

Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora

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Salal Gaultheria shallon

Salal Gaultheria shallon

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Solomon’s seal Polygonatum multiflorum

Solomon’s seal Polygonatum multiflorum

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