Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) Non-Native

Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)

Parts used: flowers

Medicinal uses: This entry focuses on the uses of the corn or field poppy rather than its more notorious relative the opium poppy (P. somniferum). The flowers are mildly analgesic and sedative and have been used extensively throughout Europe for ailments of children and the elderly. It is used chiefly as a mild pain reliever and as a treatment for irritable coughs, it also reduces nervous over-activity. The herb may also be used for insomnia, nervous irritability, coughs, and asthma (Chevallier 243).

Additional uses: The poppy seeds are often used in culinary applications. The flowers have been used in the past to color wines and medicines (Bremness 263).

Cautions: Use only under professional supervision. All parts of this plant aside from the seeds are potentially toxic if eaten (Chevallier 243).

Poppy Papaver rhoeas

Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plant Guide (Check out all plants growing in Tryon Farm's medicinal garden!)

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