May 20 2017 - 2:00pm - 11:00pm
Tryon Life Community Farm is hosting its annual sp
ring festival, Bloom!
Join us in brin
ging this land to life with live musical performan
ces, skillshares, presentations and activities f
or kids and adults, including hands-on natural bu
ilding, tending fruit trees, medicinal plant wal
ks and more!
We'll also be sharin
g something that's been blooming strongly her
e on the land recently: engaging communities of co
lor with the land as core stewards in our work tog
ether. We'll invite fellow Bloomers to engagein conversations and share skills for decenteringwhiteness and bringing communities together in so
lidarity; we'll support POC-only spaces duri
ng the event for those that feel called; an
d we'll have specific people available to med
iate hard or awkward moments that may arise. This
work will be full of life, the bursting of feelin
gs in this moment of renewal, rebirth, and rejoi
cing amidst these difficult times!
o new this to Bloom this year: technical tree clim
bing and a late night silent dance party! E
ver wanted to climb high into the canopy of our bi
g trees? We'll be joined by a professional tr
ee climber who will be guiding folks safely into t
he trees with ropes and harnesses.
Silent Dan
ce party from 8pm-11pm! A new way to turn up the v
olume and raise the roof without disturbing the bl
issful peace of the forest at sundown. DJ sets wil
l be broadcast over radio, so dancers can rockouton headphones. Something even the owls and coyote
s of the Tryon Forest can get on board with!
We'll also have a bonfire and welcome folks t
o play acoustic music together around the fire. Wh
at! Playing acoustic music by the fire right in th
e middle of a rockin DJ set?! The magic of the sil
ent dance party!
Food will be available, andwe invite dishes and snacks to share.
RKING*** As always, we have NO ON SITE PARKING&nb
We'll be running a shuttle from a near
by parking lot (likely to be Riverdale High School
). Stay tuned for details!
****Volunteer Oppo
rtunities** Bring your skills and and passions andlet us know if you would like to offer something
at the event.Volunteer to help us put on this even
t! Email brenna@tryonfarm.org to see h
ow you can get involved.
****This is a FUNdra
iser for TLC Farm****Entrance is by donation and o
n a sliding scale of $10-20 per adult (kids are fr