Sep 12 2015 - 10:00am - 4:30pm
From Indian Yogis, to the Taoists living on mist
covered mountains, the ancients all knew and spok
e of the central importance of a harmoniously func
tioning digestive tract in physical, emotional an
d spiritual health. It's only now, as we wit
ness an ever increasing epidemic of digestive and
chronic disease that we are beginning to understan
d their message. In modern times we all kno
w people close to us, or we ourselves, who are d
ealing with chronic digestive conditions. And the
rates of illness are steadily are escalating rapid
This class will address thes
e rapidly increasing conditions such as irritable
bowel syndrome, GERD, inflammatory GI issues, a
nd even mood and skin issues by using the wisdom o
f the ancients as well as cutting edge modern holi
stic herbal health advancements.
In this class, we'll review each partof the system from gums to bum and even include aquick overview of holistic treatment of complex c
onditions like IBS, Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis,and GI pathogens. We'll also have an herb wa
lk on the property to highlight some of the amazin
gly effective remedies for chronic GI issues that
exist in our backyards.
orkshop teacher bio: Christopher is the own
er and director of the School of Traditional Weste
rn Herbalism, a 3 year Clinical Herbalist
Program in Portland, portlandherbalschool.com andthe Herbal Apothecary. He is a busy clinic
al herbalist, researcher and educator, whose foc
us has been working with complex chronic co
nditions of the gastro intestinal tract, and immu
ne system with herbalism, nutrition, mental emot
ional techniques and lifestyle.
$60 for the class, partial scholaships availab