In this workshop we will discuss history and arche
types of folk astrology, seeking to connect with
magical lineages rooted in Western Europe and Appa
lachia. We will feel into earth's place in th
e solar system through modeling and observation.
Bring a sweater and be prepared to stargaze.
Hot tea and pillows will be provided in abunda
Kate Flanagan / Professor
Y!kes studied feminist theory and social movementsat the University of California at Santa Cruz andgrounded the academics through whole-hearted part
icipation in activism. For seven years She has stu
died astrology and its history, weaving th
ese with the history of capitalism, science, andthe suppression of magic. Since 2010 she’sbeen living in Cedar Moon -- the intentional comm
unity at TLC Farm -- and working as a math tutor.
She enjoys engaging ritual, song, and the
ater as magical-revolutionary tools.
Check he
r out at
Cost $20
Discounted cost for Fr
iends of the Farm Monthly Donors: $15
Bird Special! $5 off if you register by July 7th.
If cost is prohibitive to you, please e-mailworkshops@tryonfarm to inquire about a scholarshi