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Music, Mime, and Discovery Post.001(1).jpeg

Music, Mime, and Discovery Post.001(1).jpeg

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Mime, Music and Discovery Summer Camp July 19-22!

Music, Mime, and Discovery Post Advert 4.001.jpeg

Contact Carlos with questions: 925-263-6897
To register, please fill out this form.
*Save the date for Discovery Day, Saturday, July 23rd at 11am.  This will be a fun mini-festival day for campers' family and friends! We'll have a potluck lunch, bike-powered blended smoothies with fresh TLC Farm goat milk, and performances by the kids and teachers!

land tending crew march 12-13.jpg

land tending crew march 12-13.jpg

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Preparing the site for a new wood shed

Preparing the site for a new wood shed

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envisioning a bench for the sauna changing area

envisioning a bench for the sauna changing area

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sauna changing deck 5.jpg

sauna changing deck 5.jpg

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land tending workparty feb 27 2.jpg

land tending workparty feb 27 2.jpg

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land tending workparty feb 27.jpg

land tending workparty feb 27.jpg

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Save! The! Farm!

Save! The! Farm!

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sweet holiday party in the yurt.jpg

sweet holiday party in the yurt.jpg

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Feedback and participation welcome! Please send bug reports to web@tryonfarm.org