Nahko, for TLC Farm

Singing together is sacred activism.  When we harmonize our voices and energy, we expand our connection to spirit, each other and the land.
Singing together around the fire and in ceremony at Tryon Life Community Farm connected me to people who have shaped my life and grown my family.  I know I'm not the only one whose life has been activated by experiences at Tryon - maybe you're one too. Remember sharing round the fire, sacred songs in the air?  Remember singing in the sauna, faces glowing candle lit, rhythms made by hands and heart? Remember opening to the full moon?  I remember these.  These are reasons that Tryon is in my heart, one of my homes.  These are reasons that I invite you to give back the gifts we are given.

What can you give the Farm?  Can you make a donation to help the magic keep flowing?  Can you spread the word to your friends and family?  Places like Tryon are gifts to the world - let's give back.

in community,
Nahko Bear

p.s. I've been hearing about TLC's new yurt -- a beautiful year-round place for gatherings of all kinds. It has radiant heating, a star-patterned floor made from recycled doors and our favorite ol' butterfly stage as the front porch. TLC is friend-raising $5,000 this month to finish funding this awesome space. Can you help?

Thank you to Shadia Fayne Wood for the beautiful photographs!

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