MMIWUSA (former)

MMIWUSA logoFor several years, TLC Farm was the fiscal sponsor for MMIW USA.

Recently, following the death of its founder and director, Deborah Shipman, the organization has ceased operations.

Funds contributed through this page will be used to support people doing similar work: groups that advocate for Indigenous-supportive policy changes, that support families in searching for loved ones, elders performing healing ceremonies for Indigenous families, self-defense and spiritual training for vulnerable Indigenous youth, and the like.

Volunteers with the former MMIWUSA also recommend that you support the following organizations:


This was the information for MMIWUSA:

Thank you for considering helping our efforts. We are fighting for these women because we want the perpetrators to know that the families will fight back to get their daughters and loved ones back. We are also amplifying their voices to create awareness so that lawmakers and law enforcement can no longer neglect this issue. Lastly, we are also working with young women, through our “Staying Sacred” program, to give them the tools to prevent these tragedies. Your donations are crucial for this effort.

#mmiwusa #mmiw #stayingsacredinaviolentsociety #mmiwg

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