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What happened at TLC Farm in 2023?

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TLC Farm hosted many happenings this year and looks forward to many more in 2024!  


A place to Gather

  • Monthly movie nights

  • Potlucks and song circles

  • Monthly anti-social socials

  • Hosting meetings and conversations: Oregon Humanities, Jewish Voice for Peace, an evening with legendary activist Ben Morea, Pacific NW Forest Climate Alliance

A place to Learn

  • Willow Creek Forest School – pre-school & summer camps

  • TLC Farm’s Hands-on outdoor education program hosted field trips from Catlin Gabel School, Sabin School, Audubon Summer Camps, Renaissance Arts School, Carpe Diem, University if Portland, Lewis & Clark College, Girl Scout troops and more!

  • Workshops on native food sovereignty and basket making

  • Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine classroom

A place to Celebrate

  • Annual Apple Fest – with over 200 people!

  • Tu B’shvat Seders with Havurah Shalom and Forest Defenders

  • Seven birthday parties – from one year old to 45

A place to Grow

Many work parties focused on removing invasive species and tending the ecosystem. Partners included Tryon Creek Watershed Council, Village Building Convergence, and Connecting Canopies, and the awesome goat herd!


And, if you prefer a month by month breakdown: 

February: Tu B'shvat Seder, Land tending workparty

March: Watershed-wide Restoration Day, Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine starts its eight-month program, baby goats born

May: Potluck & Song circle, Fry Bread & First Foods event; Educational tour and service projects with students from Carpe Diem, Catlin Gabel & Sabin schools.

June: T-Whale deconstruction work parties; Village Building Convergence restoration project, TLC Farm tour & volunteer orientation, educational tour and service projects with Renaissance Arts school students, conversation with Ben Morea

July: Willow Creek Forest School summer camps; Get Plastered: Natural building work party; Land tending work parties, Audubon farm & forest camp; Pride movie night.

August: 3 Land tending work parties; Farm tour & volunteer service project; Apple cider pressing; Hoot movie night.

September: Willow Creek Forest School pre-school starts; Movement movie night for social justice.

October: Apple Festival! Scout field trip and service project. No Ivy Day!

November: Community potluck; Invasive species identification, clearing, and basket weaving work party!

December: Another invasive species clearing & basket weaving work party!

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poplar enjoying the sun.JPG

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Feedback and participation welcome! Please send bug reports to web@tryonfarm.org