BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Los_Angeles METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Apple Fest\, September 22\, 1-4 pm DESCRIPTION:Join us on September 22nd for an afternoon of appl ey fun\, including:\n \n \n pressing and drinking apple cider\n tasting lots of kinds of apples\n tasting hard cider\n playing apple themes games\ n apple dessert potluck (bring something to share if you can)\n wandering through the orchard\n b uying fruit & hard cider \n facepainting and liv e music!\n \n \n It'\;s a lot of fun for the wh ole family!  This event is a benefit for TLC Farm '\;s educaiton program\, and we ask for a slidi ng scale donation $10-20\, kids 12 and under get i n free\, and no one is turned away for lack of fun ds. \n \n We hope to see you here!  As always\, parking is limited so please bike\, bus and carpoo l if at all possible.  CATEGORIES:Fundraiser CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240922T130000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240922T130000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240922T160000 LOCATION:11640 SW Boones Ferry Rd\n Portland\, OR 97219\n U nited States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR