Cherry: (Prunus spp.) Native and Non-Native

Cherry: (Prunus spp.)
Non-native (sweet Cherry) and Native (black Cherry)

Parts used: Sweet: stems, fruit; Black: inner bark

Medicinal uses: Sweet: stems have long been used for their diuretic and astringent properties; have been used for cystitis, nephritis, urinary retention, and gout. Cherries can be used as an overall regimen treating arthritic problems. Their high sugar content makes them mildly laxative. Black: the bark counters dry and irritable coughs; its astringency can also ease indigestion and the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, especially when these conditions are of a nervous origin.

Nutritional information: Sweet cherries are a good source of vitamin C and copper. They are also high in flavonoids including anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins (Murray 265).

Cautions: Sweet: the seeds are toxic and should not be taken internally. Black: the bark is highly toxic in excessive doses (Chevallier 256-7).

Cherry Prunus spp

Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plant Guide (Check out all plants growing in Tryon Farm's medicinal garden!)