Lovage (Levisticum officinale) Non-Native

Lovage (Levisticum officinale)

Parts used: leaves, root, rhizome, seeds

Medicinal uses: Dried rhizomes and roots used as diuretic to treat edema, inflammations of the lower urinary tract, and to prevent kidney gravel. A warming and tonic herb improves poor circulation. Traditionally taken to improve digestion and as expectorant and emmenagogue. Also used as a spice and in liqueurs (Chevallier 227).

Additional uses: The leaves, stems and seeds all taste similar to celery. The leaves and stems can be used fresh or dried any way that celery is used (Kowalchik 369).

Cautions: Do not take during pregnancy, or if you suffer from kidney disease (Chevallier 227).

Lovage Levisticum officinale

Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plant Guide (Check out all plants growing in Tryon Farm's medicinal garden!)